Corporate Insolvency &
Chapter 7, 9, 13, & 15
In addition to our extensive experience in Chapter 11 reorganization, Focus Professionals also provide support in a variety of other forms of bankruptcy protection:
Chapter 7
When a business is deeply in debt and unable to pay its stakeholders, it can, or may be forced to, file Chapter 7. Focus Professionals can act Chapter 7 Trustees, which will allow business operations to continue while we examine our client’s financial situation and determine the best course of action for distributing assets and proceeds to creditors and maximizing recovery for all parties.
Chapter 9
With extensive experience in municipal utilities and school districts, Focus Management Group can serve as Financial Advisors to municipalities undergoing Chapter 9 reorganization.
Chapter 13
In contrast to Chapter 7, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy assumes the debtor will have the capability to rehabilitate and move forward with a court-approved plan of reorganization. As dissolution is not imminent in these cases, Focus Professionals can act as Advisors to assist clients develop plans of reorganizations and ensure a successful exit out of bankruptcy in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 allows for cooperation between the United States and international court systems involved in a corporate bankruptcy proceeding abroad. With extensive cross-border restructuring experience, our Professionals are familiar with legal procedures outside of the US and can act accordingly as Financial Advisors to ensure a smooth bankruptcy process across both court systems.
See our Corporate Insolvency & Receiverships services: